Kubernetes plugin template that watches for changes to services, pods & nodes. Business logic can then be added for ADDED, MODIFIED or DELETED events.
When this plugin is running on a kubernetes cluster it connects to the kubernetes API watch endpoints for service and node changes.
- golang & a valid $GOPATH - https://golang.org/doc/install
- Docker Native for mac - https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/
- minikube - https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/ (requires kubectl & virtualbox)
- Add $DIR/serviceaccount to the list of file shares in docker -> preferences -> file shares
- Fork this repo
- Test your changes locally using ./localtest.sh
- For faster iterations while coding use ./localtestnodocker.sh
- Create a pull request to contribute your improvements
- No feature branches are required at this time but you may choose to do this
- Be sure to sync with upstream on a regular basis https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/