This repository contains the data-preparation, and data-processing scripts used in the first CoMorMent Body-Brain imaging project:
Gurholt et al., Population-based body-brain mapping links brain morphology with anthropometrics and body composition, Translational Psychiatry 11:295 (2021), doi=
Please credit this work if you choose to use or adapt these scripts.
These scripts have been applied to UK Biobank data - including brain imaging data processed in FreeSurfer 5.3.0. After acquiring access to the UK Biobank data, you need to extract the necessary data and ensure they are on the same format as expected by the scripts.
To run the scripts, you will need to specify paths, and input-files in the base- and init-files, based on your local settings. The data processing is performed in two steps:
- Run the data-preparation scripts (data_preparation_BodyBrain.R).
- Run the data-analysis scripts (do_analysis.R).
If you encounter problems when running the data_preparation_BodyBrain.R, please check your settings, input files, and that your variable naming etc. corresponds to the expectations of the scripts.
These scripts were developed in a linux environment.
This work was funded by the:
- European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme (CoMorMent project; Grant #847776)
- European Research Council (ERC) StG (Grant #802998)
- Research Council of Norway (#223273; #276082)
- South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (#2017112; #2020060).
- Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Stiftelsen (SKGJ-MED-021)
If you encounter any issues, please let us know by creating an issue.