In this assignment, we look forward to test your skills in software development. Please, be pragmatic and avoid over engineering your solution.
We want you to implement a game love service that keeps track of the games that the player loves.
- Design a REST API with the following:
- It should be possible to create a new entry by feeding it with the following:
- The player that loved the game.
- The game it loved.
- It should be possible to unlove games.
- It should be possible to fetch all games a player have loved.
- It should be possible to fetch the most loved games.
- The list should contain the x top loved games, where x should be possible to define in every request.
- Each item in this list should contain:
- The game identifier.
- Number of loves the game has.
- It should be possible to fetch all games.
- It should be possible to create a new entry by feeding it with the following:
Your submission should contain a Java service based Maven project solution. Avoid sending large attachments in your submission so do a maven clean before submission.
In this case, we recommend you to make use of spring boot as a starting point for your application.
In addition, in order for us to test your solution; make use of an embedded database like H2 or Sqlite, using a local file database scheme with your working solution.
We look forward to your solution and appreciate your time applying with us!
We encourage you to use Spring Boot in this test.
Pull requests welcome, and maybe we have a job for you? :)
Please, send us your code in a compressed file in an email with the code project.