This app was designed for administrators and users of an Amateur football league based in Dublin, Ireland. There are four ranked divisions and in each division are a selection of teams. Teams can be added and updated depending on authorisation. Authentication is provided using facebook login.
- After downloading the project cd to the main project root directory
- From within the virtual environment, to install the application run
pip install . --editable
export FLASK_APP=leagueAdmin
export FLASK_DEBUG=true
flask run
- In a browser window, open http://localhost:5000
There are four Divisions in the league ranked from the top in terms of quality of teams:
- Premier Division North
- Division 1 North
- Division 2 North
- Division 3 North
Each Division has a number of teams. These can be seen by clicking on the division on the main screen. More details about each team can then be viewed by clicking on the team. To return to the main screen at any time, click on the main title header or on the back/ cancel buttons pertaining to the current screen.
Authentication is provided by facebook. Click on the login button on the top right of the navigation bar. Logged in users can create a new team in any division by cicking on the green Add New Team button when viewing Division details.
The creator of a team is authorised to edit details of a team or even delete the team from the team details screen.
Referee lists, League tables, Weekly Fixtures, Results. Watch this space 😎 ⚽