To run the application on development environment the project uses:
- node >=8.11.3
- gulp-cli installed globally
- local-web-server installed globally for the best performance
- better-npm-run installed globally
- cross-env installed globally
In order to test locally the Stage 2 of the app, a server is needed. I forked the project provided by Udacity to fit some little difference in data structure.
So, the server side presequisites are:
- my repository intalled
- sails.js
BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites
git clone
npm install -g gulp-cli local-web-server cross-env better-npm-run
npm install
git clone
npm install -g sails
npm install
HintEat uses the Better NPM Run package to run the scripts needed to launch the project or build it. There is some script to help the automation, in order to get the production ready version of the app with all the optimization use optimized local version.
This workflow build a production ready version of the app, and serve it on a local server with some optimization adopted.
The server has this functionality enabled:
- gzip of the files
- single page application logic
In order to get the "green padlock" on the browser please follow this guide: enable "green padlock".
The script is
WARNING If you already had run a project with node-sass, you could have to run the following script and retry
npm rebuild node-sass
WARNING If you cannot build the client project, or your environment is not compatible with it, please download the dist folder from here:, unzip and copy where do you want. Open the folder in your console and launch only this script:
On Linux environment launch as sudo
ws --https --spa index.html --compress --port 443
In order to fetch the data, run the API server previously installed (see API Server project).
In another terminal, open the folder of the server side project and run the script:
node server
Some version of lighthouse is not able to give the full PWA score if the HTTPS trafic is not redirected to HTTPS. If needed, there is an additiona command to make this possible:
- open another terminal, and open the same frontend folder
- after the build (see previous step), move in dist folder
- run the script
On Linux environment launch as sudo
ws --port 80 --rewrite '/* ->$1'
The client side projects is ready to deploy using GitHub, Firebase and Travis CI.
- Add instruction to deploy using same configuration but with others accounts.
- Add a server side API endpoints. Evaluate the use of firebase for this step too.
- Component style structure
- Single page application like navigation (navigo)
- Templating (nunjucks)
- Material style UI (Material Components for the Web)
- Offline capability (Workbox for Webpack integration and idb for IndexedDB)
- Progressive Web App capability (tested on Android and Chrome)
Android & Chrome
TODO Extend compatibility with all device and major browser
List of all planned improvements on issue tracker page.