OpenAI Gym environment for reinforcement learning with multicopters.
Pure Python / Cross-platform
Uses realistic multirotor dynamics (Bouabdallah et al. 2004) that can be subclassed for a particular vehicle configuration (quad, hex, octo, etc.)
Supports rendering via a Heads-Up Display (HUD) similar to Mission Planner / QGroundControl.
% pip3 install gym
% python3 install
% python3 gym_copter/envs/
(On Linux you will probably have to run pip3 with sudo
You should see the copter land safely.
The NEAT sub-folder of this repository shows how you can use the NEAT algorithm to evolve a neural controller for your copter.
Lander-v0 2D LunarLander-style challenge
Lander3D-v0 3D lander with reward proportional on proximity of touchdown to center
Lander3DHardcore-v0 3D lander with big reward for landing inside circle