Smart contracts management using blockchain technology, making 3rd party agents obsolete.
Slack : There is a dedicated private channel for Lex. To be part of it, ask @valaymerick for an invite
We are currently learning the technologies needed to build the app before writing any code. The goal is to be operational before april to start working on a MVP.
5 people are contributing to the project : People
The backend will contain blockchain and server related code. We use Python because of its great built-in libraries and ease-of-use. Other technologies will likely be added in the long run but for now we will stick with those ones.
- Python
- Flask
- A database system (ex: MongoDB, Redis)
- UnitTest
- Git
The front-end will be developed once the blockchain is working. It will contain a user interface letting user send, receive and sign contracts.
- Javascript
- React
- Webpack
- Jest
- Git
- Course on Computer Science basics using Python Udacity CS101
- Flask official tutorial Official Flask Tutorial
- Python unittest tutorial unittest introduction
- HTML/CSS course Udacity HTML&CSS
- Responsive Web design course Udacity Responsive Web Fundamentals
- Full-Stack Web development Udacity Web development
- Bitcoin The bitcoin paper
- Chain specifications
- Build a blockchain in Python Python blockchain tutorial
- Understanding the goals of the project
- Learning Python basics
- Understanding how blockchain works
- Understanding Flask
- Building a basic blockchain spyke
- Writing the backend
- Writing the frontend
- Aymerick Valette
- Cedric Joseph
- David Ung
- Miguel Lareo
- Dhaunny