Version (0.9-beta6)
Yet another beta release...
- Search history navigation will work with normal keys in addition to Control-key combinations (when a line editor does not have the focus)
- When navigating to a new search term, in the RadioBrowser Search Window, the two main check boxes will always get the focus (makes it easier to navigate using normal keys)
- Docs Updated
Packagers notice
Please refer to:
Changed files
Changelog | 10 ++
README.html | 2 +- | 8 +-
devel/build_install_pyradio | 4 +-
devel/pre-commit | 8 +-
pyradio/ | 2 +-
pyradio/ | 342 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
pyradio/ | 29 ++--
pyradio/ | 20 ++-
pyradio/ | 140 ++++++++++++++---
pyradio/ | 9 +-
pyradio_rb.1 | 4 +
radio-browser.html | 1 + | 2 +
14 files changed, 471 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)