- set DEVICE_NAME - Color space of Frontier (“PICsRGB” or “PICPD”)
- set SIZE_NAME - Name of print size (Selected from FdiaDevice.ini)
- set PRINT_CNT - Number of prints (1-999)
- FREE - The text strings of the 1st line and 2nd line entered in “Back Print” in the “AdministrativeSettings” screen are printed.
- FILE - The order number (date), the file name and the text strings of the 1st line and 2nd line entered in “Back Print” in the “Administrative Settings” screen are printed.
- NONE - No back printing is done
- set BACK_PRINT_LINE_1 - A text string to be printed on the back of prints(A maximum of 40 alphanumeric characters)
- set BACK_PRINT_LINE_2 - A text string to be printed on the back of prints(A maximum of 40 alphanumeric characters)
- set RESIZE
- FILLIN - Fill-in
- FITIN - Fit-in
- NONE - No Resize
- set DSC_CHK
- TRUE - DSC automatic correction is performed.
- FALSE - DSC automatic correction is not performed.
After launching the bat file, condition.txt and end.txt files will be created for all directories.