rm -fR ~/.vim && git clone ~/.vim && rm ~/.vimrc && ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc && curl | sh && vim +NeoBundleInstall +qa! && clear && echo "Done! :)"
- The leader key is
renames current file, asking for the new name.
- Arrow keys are disabled.
is mapped to<ESC>
, so you don't have to reach out to<ESC>
clears the search.
maps to:w!
: it saves the current buffer.,q
maps to:wqa!
: it saves all buffers and quits.<tab>
rotates among open buffers.<leader>d
closes the current buffer.
opens a new vertical split and switches to it.<C-h>
switches to the left split.<C-j>
switches to the split below.<C-k>
switches to the split above.<C-l>
switches to the right split.
to toggle Paste mode (to paste stuff from the system clipboard).
Use Ag (the silver searcher) to search through your code.
performs an Ag search.<C-n>
: Rotate among results.
Auto-closes, parens, curly braces, everything.
First, brew install ctags
and run the ctags -R .
command on your working
directory to generate the tag list.
to go to the definition of the word under the cursor (constant, method, whatever<C-p>
to come back.<F7>
to rotate among multiple definitions of the same tag.<Leader>c
to search among tags with the CtrlP plugin.<Leader>b
to toggle the Tagbar
Use Git from Vim.
: Git status.,gc
: Git commit.,gb
in visual mode: Git blame.
:Gist [-p|-P]
: Post a [p]rivate or [P]ublic gist with the current buffer. You can also run it from Visual mode to post only a part.
Comments any kind of code.
: In visual mode, comments the selected block.