Forked from .
Supported platforms are .NET Standard 1.3, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android.
Install-Package CC.TouchTracking
Implemented as .NET Standard 1.3 and platform-specific libraries.
TouchTracking provides unified API for multi-touch gestures on Android, iOS and UWP. It can be used without Xamarin.Forms. Basic principles are described in Xamarin Documentation
Usage is similar on each platform.
Android example:
canvasView = FindViewById<SKCanvasView>(Resource.Id.canvasView); //Get SKCanvasView
touchHandler = new TouchHandler() { UseTouchSlop = true };
touchHandler.RegisterEvents(canvasView); //Pass View to the touch handler
touchHandler.TouchAction += OnTouch; //Listen to the touch gestures
void OnTouch(object sender, TouchActionEventArgs args) {
var point = args.Location; //Point location
var type = args.Type; //Entered, Pressed, Moved ... etc.
//... do something
Install-Package CC.TouchTracking.Forms
Implemented as .NET Standard 1.3 and platform-specific libraries.
Same functionality as TouchTracking library but can be consumed in Xamarin.Forms as an Effect called TouchEffect.
<views:SKCanvasView x:Name="canvasView" />
<tt:TouchEffect Capture="True" TouchAction="OnTouch" />
Important: Right now, there is an issue on iOS in Xamarin.Forms, where routing effect resolution fails silently. To fix it, you must include this line in your AppDelegate FinishedLaunching:
var _ = new TouchTracking.Forms.iOS.TouchEffect();