C++ application to convert ply file, txt file or xyz pointcloud to .pcd pointcloud
- .ply
- .txt
- .xyz
Download or clone repo: https://github.com/danielTobon43/pointcloudToPCD.git
Create a "build" folder the structre project should be something like:
- build/ - src/ - cloud_test/ - README.md
Modify the CMakeLists.txt file in /src with your own PCL build dir: e.g. /opt/pcl-1.9.0/build and save it.
Compile with cmake
at the root folder:
$ cd build/
$ cmake ../src/
$ make
Go to pointcloudToPCD-master/build/bin folder and:
./pointcloudToPCD <ply file> -o <output dir>
./pointcloudToPCD <txt file> -o <output dir>
./pointcloudToPCD <xyz file> -o <output dir>
./pointcloudToPCD /home/xXx/Downloads/cloud.txt -o /home/xXx/Downloads
The .txt file structure should only numbers: e.g.
0.794 9.978 12.770 247 231 218
0.793 9.979 12.769 234 217 207
0.793 9.979 12.768 238 224 213
0.794 9.979 12.767 239 227 215
0.795 9.978 12.772 230 221 206
0.795 9.978 12.771 243 229 216
Where each column represent: x y z r g b
- pointcloud to txt: https://github.com/danielTobon43/pointcloudToTXT
- pointcloud to mesh: https://github.com/danielTobon43/pointcloudToMesh
- pcl-visualizer: https://github.com/danielTobon43/pcl_visualizer
- unsampling pointcloud: https://github.com/danielTobon43/upsamplingCloudPCL
- DBScan: https://github.com/danielTobon43/DBScan-PCL-Optimized
- Align pointcloud: https://github.com/danielTobon43/align_pointcloud