Show how to config this software stack
This is the basic logstash.conf for the " CouchDB -> Logstash -> Elasticsearch " Stack, Where the JSON document has same structure between couchdb and elasticsearch...
input {
couchdb_changes {
db => "meizi"
#host => "localhost"
host => ""
port => 5984
initial_sequence => 0
filter {
# 1)
mutate {
add_field => {
"[@metadata][my_id]" => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"
# 2)
if "delete" in [@metadata][action] {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_action]" => "delete" } }
else {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_action]" => "index" } }
# 3)
if ![doc][Metadata] {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_type]" => "video" } }
else if [doc][Metadata][Program]{
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_type]" => "program" } }
else if [doc][Metadata][Sequence] {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_type]" => "sequence" } }
else if [doc][Metadata][Scene] {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_type]" => "scene" } }
else if [doc][Metadata][Shot] {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_type]" => "shot" } }
else {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][my_type]" => "video" } }
# 4)
if [doc][parent] {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][parent_id]" => "%{[doc][parent]}" } }
else {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][parent_id]" => "not_defined" } }
# 5)
if [doc] {
ruby {
code => '
event["doc"].each{ |k,v| event["#{k}"] = v }
# 6)
if [doc] {
mutate { remove_field => [ "[doc]" ] }
if [doc_as_upsert] {
mutate { remove_field => [ "[doc_as_upsert]" ] }
if [@version] {
mutate { remove_field => [ "[@version]" ] }
output {
elasticsearch {
codec => rubydebug { metadata => true }
#hosts => "localhost:9200"
hosts => ""
index => "meizi"
document_type => "%{[@metadata][my_type]}"
document_id => "%{[@metadata][my_id]}"
action => "%{[@metadata][my_action]}"