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Boda is a react-native taxi app template.


Watch in youtube

Designed for android . Not yet developed for ios, but I'm working on updating it!


  1. Download with :
    $ git clone


  1. mobile

    • In the BodaApp folder in your terminal

      For npm run

      • $cd mobile && npm install

      For yarn run

      • $cd mobile && yarn install
    • Google api key configuration

      • In mobile folder using a code editor edit googleapikey.js
      • In mobile/android/app/src/main/androidmanifest.xml change this
    • Backend and Frontend connect

      • In mobile/baseUrl.js file change the ip adress to your server's internal ip adress don't change the port number 4000
      • In mobile/screens folder in the Driver.js and Passenger.js change the ip adress for connection to you server internal ip adress don't change the port number 3000
    • Change gradle files in your android folder

      • The app won't work if the android files are not compatible with your environment
      • Use android studio and stackoverflow for better debbugging

  • In the BodaApp folder in your terminal

    For npm run

    • $cd express-backend && npm install

    For yarn run

    • $cd express-backend && yarn install
  • Create a database in MongoDbAtlas

    • In MongoDb Atlas create a cluster with one database and a user with read and write priveledges

    • Use a code editor preferrably vscode to edit config folder in express-backend

      • In mongodb.js in config folder change this line 'mongodb+srv://YOUR_USERNAME_HERE:'+ encodeURIComponent('YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE') + '' you can check here on how to do it correctly
      • In auth.js in config folder const jwtSecret ="replace with any string";

Running the App

1.Open an android emulator in the mobile folder run in your terminal
$react-native start
$react-native run-android

  1. In the express-backend run
    nodemon index.js

  2. In the run
    nodemon index.js

How to Contribute

  1. Clone repo and create a new branch: $ git checkout -b name_for_new_branch
  2. Make changes and test
  3. Submit Pull Request with comprehensive description of changes