An portal to compare current price of items in cart across various platforms such as flipkart,amazon,etc and provide best deals available.
To add audio option in Whatsapp,Facebook story.
An app that will show all your facbook groups where you are an admin or a member. You could directly post from there.
An app that predicts a customer/employee is about to leave or stay with that company .
An app that will show who have unfollowed us on instagram and will give an option to directly unfollow them without going to instagram account.
A command line tool that streams audio from youtube. It should have a command line interface as well as functionality like Cmus(a command line music player in Linux) and it should be cross platform.
- An app that uses Github's API to pull your number of contributions from Github and merge show them in the status bar of your phone. Also a detailed summary of contributions could be made available on clicking the notification.
- Some platform to add ideas related to Mathematics or Physics and track contributions, accept pull requests and view commit history, just like Github. Have a feature for licensing too.
- Create a script which would scrape sites like and add the latest versions of the libraries in your android project.
- An app that takes in videos and outputs the subtitles/script and then matches it with the lyrics of a song. Example:
- Analytics mode for AWOL
A cross-platform desktop app for editing your photos in possible ways. Editing includes applying filters, resizing, cropping, scribbling, adding text, etc. You can also add face filters just like the one from Instagram or Snapchat.
- Browser plugin/extension to log out of all logged in accounts in one click.
- A Markdown previewer for the terminal.
- Institute level database of class notes and faculty instructions, materials in one place. Student reviews and doubt clearing chat rooms.
- A URL shortener which help us to shorten the url just like and
Digital queueing system using QR codes to avoid standing in a queue.
An emergency app that sends out distress messages along with location to designated persons. Works Offline. Includes safety tips, helplines, feedback, story submission, news feed.
Facilitating a list of hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, by shortest distance, from the area searched and filtering the kind of staff and speciality doctors it may contain. Includes first-aid guidance, ambulances and appointment bookings, if agreed upon, by the doctors.
Facebook Messenger ChatBot, for basic interaction, getting instant news by providing queries, reminders, weather notifications, hazard news notifications, fun games like trivia, and a casino system with games like coin flip, blackjack and dice, where the user can bet a specific amount of money.
Website to play sudoku. Features registrations, difficulty levels, error detection, solution, timer, hints and worldwide rank.
Self Stabilizing Quad-Copter program for smooth handling.
A web-platform for exchanging old books between seniors and juniors of a university/college.
Preventing elephant intervention into human society by smart alarming system and quick emergency response.
A system that takes important dates like birthdays and anniversaries of our friends and relatives, possibly from Facebook or manually entering them, setting a reminder for us and suggesting gifts we can buy for them based on the relationship and the nearest possible place to get the gift.
A system that can show ICC World Championships Trophy, Twenty20, IPL, or FIFA Worldcup, FIFA Women's World Cup, ISL statistics for a player for a given year.
Simple password manager, implementing encryption, to keep track of all logins.
A system that takes input of number of subjects, number of faculty and no of rooms available and prepares the class schedule for the entire week; keeping in mind the credits and timing of each subject.
An app that scans any picture/piece of text and immediately detects its language, translates (if it is a piece of text) and shares all the latest news and updates about it in another desired language.
An app which hides Whatsapp chats(not in archive) in an third party app - A secret mode for Whatsapp.