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Renamed Type, added serialisation + tests
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bblfish committed Apr 13, 2021
1 parent 2e247fb commit c5163ed
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 58 deletions.
108 changes: 60 additions & 48 deletions src/main/scala/run/cosy/http/headers/Rfc8941.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package run.cosy.http.headers

import run.cosy.http.headers.Rfc8941.Serialise.Serialise

import java.util.Base64
import scala.collection.immutable.{ArraySeq,ListMap}
import scala.collection.immutable.{ArraySeq, ListMap}

object Rfc8941 {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,12 +61,12 @@ object Rfc8941 {
val key: P[Token] = ((lcalpha | `*`) ~ (lcalpha | R5234.digit | P.charIn('_', '-', '.', '*')).rep0)
.map((c, lc) => Token((c :: lc).mkString))

val parameter: P[Parameter] =
val parameter: P[Param] =
(key ~ (P.char('=') *> bareItem).orElse(P.pure(true)))

//note: parameters always returns an answer (the empty list) as everything can have parameters
//todo: this is not exeactly how it is specified, so check here if something goes wrong
val parameters: P0[Parameters] =
val parameters: P0[Params] =
(P.char(';') *> ows *> parameter).rep0.orElse(P.pure(List())).map { list =>
ListMap.from[Token, Item](list.iterator)
Expand All @@ -79,12 +81,12 @@ object Rfc8941 {
case (None, params) => IList(List(), params)
val listMember: P[Parameterized] = (sfItem | innerList)
val listMember: P[Paramed] = (sfItem | innerList)

val sfList: P[SfList] =
(listMember ~ ((ows *> P.char(',') *> ows).void.with1 *> listMember).rep0).map((p, lp) => p :: lp)

val memberValue: P[Parameterized] = (sfItem | innerList)
val memberValue: P[Paramed] = (sfItem | innerList)
//note: we have to go with parsing `=` first as parameters always returns an answer.
val dictMember: P[DictMember] = (key ~ (P.char('=') *> memberValue).eitherOr(parameters))
.map {
Expand All @@ -111,63 +113,72 @@ object Rfc8941 {
object Serialise {

trait Serialise[-T]:
extension (t: T)
extension (o: T)
//may be better if encoded directly to a byte string
def canon: String

given boolSer: Serialise[Boolean] with
extension (t: Boolean)
def canon: String = if t then "?1" else "?0"

given byteSer: Serialise[ArraySeq[Byte]] with
extension (t: ArraySeq[Byte])
def canon: String = ":"+Base64.getEncoder

given tokenSer: Serialise[Token] with
extension (t: Token)
def canon: String = t.t

given stringSer: Serialise[String] with
extension (t: String)
def canon: String = s""""$t""""

given numberSer: Serialise[Number] with
extension (t: Number)
def canon: String = t match
given itemSer: Serialise[Item] with
extension (o: Item)
def canon: String = o match
case i: IntStr => i.integer
case d: DecStr => d.integer + "." + d.dec
case s: String => s""""$s""""
case tk: Token => tk.t
case as: ArraySeq[Byte] => ":"+Base64.getEncoder
case b: Boolean => if b then "?1" else "?0"

// complex types
given paramSer[A<:Item](using Serialise[A]): Serialise[(Token,A)] with
extension (t: (Token,A))
def canon: String = ";" + {t._2 match {

given paramSer(using Serialise[Item]): Serialise[Param] with
extension (o: Param)
def canon: String = ";" + {o._2 match {
case b: Boolean => ""
case other =>
case other => "="

given paramsSer(using Serialise[Param]): Serialise[Params] with
extension (o: Params)
def canon: String =

given paramItemSer(using
Serialise[Item], Serialise[Params]
): Serialise[PItem] with
extension (o: PItem)
def canon: String = +

given sfListSer(using
Serialise[Item], Serialise[Params]
): Serialise[IList] with
extension (o: IList)
def canon: String =>"("," ",")")

//types uses by parser above

sealed abstract class Parameterized //would need to use http4s to get Renderable
/** trait for Parameterizes types */
sealed abstract class Paramed //would need to use http4s to get Renderable

* see [[ §3.3 Items]] of RFC8941.
* Note: all the Java implementations can take values that can be larger or a lot larger.
* So one should narrow the classes or be careful on serialisation, i.e. header construction.
* Note: Unit was added. It Allows us to have empty Item parameters. todo: check it's ok.
type Item = Number | String | Token | ArraySeq[Byte] | Boolean
type Parameter = (Token, Item)
type Parameters = ListMap[Token, Item]
type SfList = List[Parameterized]
type SfDict = ListMap[Token, Parameterized|Parameters]

def SfDict(entries: (Token,Parameterized|Parameters)*) = ListMap(entries*)
type Item = Number | String | Token | ArraySeq[Byte] | Boolean
type Param = (Token, Item)
type Params = ListMap[Token, Item]
type SfList = List[Paramed]
type SfDict = ListMap[Token, Paramed|Params]

def Param(tk: String, i: Item): Param = (Token(tk),i)
def Params(ps: Param*): Params = ListMap(ps*)
def SfDict(entries: (Token,Paramed|Params)*) = ListMap(entries*)
* dict-member = member-key ( parameters / ( "=" member-value ))
* member-value = sf-item / inner-list
Expand All @@ -176,27 +187,26 @@ object Rfc8941 {
* @param values if InnerList with an empty list, then we have "parameters", else we have an inner list
case class DictMember(key: Token, values: Parameterized|Parameters)
case class DictMember(key: Token, values: Paramed|Params)

/** Parameterized Item */
case class PItem(item: Item, params: Parameters) extends Parameterized
case class PItem(item: Item, params: Params) extends Paramed

object PItem {
def apply(item: Item): PItem = new PItem(item,ListMap())
def apply(item: Item, params: Parameters): PItem = new PItem(item, params)
def apply(item: Item)(params: Parameter*): PItem = new PItem(item,ListMap(params*))
def apply(item: Item)(params: Param*): PItem = new PItem(item,ListMap(params*))

/** Inner List */
case class IList(items: List[PItem], params: Parameters) extends Parameterized
case class IList(items: List[PItem], params: Params) extends Paramed

object IList {
def apply(items: PItem*)(params: Parameter*): IList = new IList(items.toList,ListMap(params*))
def apply(items: PItem*)(params: Param*): IList = new IList(items.toList,ListMap(params*))

trait Number
sealed trait Number

// todo: could one use List[Digit] instead of String, to avoid loosing type info?
// todo: arguably Long would do just fine here too.
Expand All @@ -206,12 +216,14 @@ object Rfc8941 {
//by not interpreting at this point. There may be a way not to loose that, but it would require
//quite a lot of digging into the BigDecimal class' functioning. That would also tie this layer
//to that choice, unless such choices could be passed `using` ops.
//todo: details of how to map to BigDecimal are
// here
final case class DecStr(integer: String, dec: String) extends Number

final case class Token(t: String)

implicit val token2PI: Conversion[Item,PItem] = (i: Item) => PItem(i)
private def paramConversion(paras: Parameter*): Parameters = ListMap(paras*)
implicit val paramConv: Conversion[Seq[Parameter],Parameters] = paramConversion
private def paramConversion(paras: Param*): Params = ListMap(paras*)
implicit val paramConv: Conversion[Seq[Param],Params] = paramConversion

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/run/cosy/http/headers/Signature-Input.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ case class SigInput(headers: Seq[HeaderSelector], att: SigAttributes) {
* We lump the parameters together as there may be some we can't interpret,
* but we requure keyId to be present.
class SigAttributes(keyId: String, params: Rfc8941.Parameters) {
class SigAttributes(keyId: String, params: Rfc8941.Params) {
//for both created and expires we return the time only if the types are correct, otherwise we ignore.
def created: Option[Long] = params.get(Token("created")).collect{case IntStr(num) => num.toLong}
def expires: Option[Long] = params.get(Token("expires")).collect{case IntStr(num) => num.toLong}
Expand Down
62 changes: 53 additions & 9 deletions src/test/scala/run/cosy/http/headers/Rfc8941_Test.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import cats.parse.Parser.{Expectation, Fail}
import run.cosy.http.headers.Rfc8941
import Rfc8941.Parser.{dictMember, sfBinary, sfBoolean, sfDecimal, sfDictionary, sfInteger, sfList, sfNumber, sfString, sfToken}
import run.cosy.http.headers.Rfc8941.SfDict
import run.cosy.http.headers.Rfc8941.{IList, Param, Params, SfDict}

import java.util.Base64
import scala.collection.immutable.{ArraySeq, ListMap}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ class Rfc8941_Test extends munit.FunSuite {
Token("d") -> IL(PI(IntStr("5")),PI(IntStr("6")))(Token("valid")->true)

import run.cosy.ldp.testUtils.StringUtils._
//examples are taken from
test("sfDictionary with Signing Http Messages headers") {
//here we start playing with making the syntax easier to work with by using implicit conversions
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import run.cosy.ldp.testUtils.StringUtils._

val `ex§4.1` = """sig1=("@request-target" "host" "date" "cache-control" \
| "x-empty-header" "x-example"); keyid="test-key-a"; \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,13 +256,57 @@ class Rfc8941_Test extends munit.FunSuite {
assertEquals(IntStr("234").canon, "234")
assertEquals("hello".canon, """"hello"""")

test("serialisation of Parameter") {

import Rfc8941.{Token=>Tk}
test("serialisation of Parameterized Items") {
Params(Tk("foo")->true, Tk("bar")->IntStr("42")).canon,
Params(Tk("foo")->true, Tk("bar")->IntStr("42"),Tk("baz")->"hello").canon,
PItem(DecStr("99","999"))(Tk("discount")-> DecStr("0","2")).canon,
PItem(cafebabe)(Tk("enc")-> "utf8").canon,
test("serialisation of List") {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
//example from
// but whitespaces between attributes have been removed as per
// issue:
IList("@request-target", "host", "date","cache-control","x-empty-header", "x-example",
"""("@request-target" "host" "date" "cache-control" \
| "x-empty-header" "x-example" "x-dictionary";key=b \
| "x-dictionary";key=a "x-list";prefix=3);keyid="test-key-a";\
| alg="rsa-pss-sha512";created=1402170695;expires=1402170995""".rfc8792single


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