part 2a/3 of the TADATA! sofware suite (ApiViz / Solidata_frontend / OpenScraper )
- allow you to consume data from your own csv/xls files or external APIs ;
- consolidate your data : apply your own datamodel, simplify columns, apply metadatas, ... ;
- share the consolidated datas on API endpoints with the level of openness you decide (opendata, commons, collective, private) ;
- manage all your data and your recipes by projects ;
- be able to manage projects by teams and share data/recipes/datamodels...
Nice to see you around ! For a more complete tour check out :
- our guidelines
- our changelog
- our contribution guide
- Language : Python 3.6... yes ... I know ... Python again ... hmmm ... gnnn ... don't judge me ?!
- Framework : Flask... minimalistic Python framework
- API : Flask-RestPlus... Swagger documentation integrated
- Security : Flask-JWT-extended... wrapper JWT for Flask
- Emailing : Flask-email... templating, sending, etc...
- Data management : Pandas... to do operations on datasets...
- Geocoding : Geopy... to use several geocoders : Nominatim, BAN, etc...
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens) :
- access and refresh token for security over all the app
- user :
- anonymous login (automatic)
- login / register user
- confirm user by sending a confirmation link (protected) in an email
- password forgotten by sending a link (protected) in an email with redirection to new password form
- reset password from client interface (protected) ...
- Documentation
- on all API endpoints with Swagger (and some patience from the developer)
- user :
- edit user
- edit email
- add/edit a project :
- edit team and access levels
- add project to users involved
- check out our our changelog for more details
clone / fork the depo ...
create a virtual environment for Python3
python3 -m venv venv pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt
create a secret config_file
in the folder./solidata_api
basedcp ./solidata_api/ ./solidata_api/ nano ./solidata_api/
pay attention at the MONGO_URI variable depending on your local mongodb configuration...
- The following is the standard URI connection scheme (from mongo documentation):
- The following is the standard URI connection scheme (from mongo documentation):
run the app in dev mode (without possibility to send email) :
python --mode=dev
run the app in dev mode (with possibility to send email) :
python --mode=dev_email
Check our snippets folder for more instructions
for now we are using the following configuration
- droplet in
- ubuntu 18.04
- 3Go RAM / 2CPU
- 60Go memory
configure your server (user, firewall...):
install mongodb :
install nginx :
install git on your server
- cf : docs 1 - basically :
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git git --version
- go to your directory and init git :
git init . git remote add origin git pull origin master
- cf : docs 1 - basically :
same steps than for local installation (virtual env, install dependencies, file, ) ...
run the app in production mode (with possibility to send email) :
python --mode=production
- Dataiku, Parabola, but they are proprietary solutions (and too complex for our pruposes)... Not to mention they are very expensive...
- Match ID, but the backend doesn't resolve the "sharing" part with levels as ["opendata", "commons", "collective", "private"], and no BDD to back up recipes
- the SocialConnect project, aka "Carrefour des Innovations Sociales"
- the EIG program by Etalab
- the CGET
- Christophe Ninucci for his help, advices and taste for memes
- the creator and community of Flask RestPlus
- Julien Paris, developer (aka JPy on Twitter, or Jpy on Github)