Please visit our Tetrad web page for current links, a list of contributors, some history, documentation, descriptions, links for our various projects, Javadocs, and more.
See our instructions for Installing the Tetrad Application.
We have a project, py-tetrad, that allows you to incorporate arbitrary Tetrad code into a Python workflow. It's new, and the installation is still nonstandard, but it had a good response. This requires Python 3.5+. and Java JDK 21+.
We also have a project, rpy-tetrad, that allows you to incorporate some Tetrad functionality in R. It's also new, and the installation for it is also still nonstandard, but has gotten good feedback. This requires Python 3.5+ and Java JDK 21+.
Please see our description.
In addition, we have a fully developed tool, Causal Command, that lets you run arbitrary Tetrad searches at the command line.
Here's the git command to clone our project:
git clone
Or, you can use GitHub's Code button.
If you have Maven installed, you can type the following to compile:
mvn clean compile
To run the unit tests:
mvn clean test
To generate an executable jar:
mvn clean package
The (launch) jar for the Tetrad Application will appear in the tetrad-gui/target directory. For links to our Python and R projects or our command line tool, please see our Tetrad web page.
Here are some instructions on how to set this project up in IntelliJ IDEA. You can run the Tetrad lifecycle package target and launch the "-launch" jar built in the target directory.
The project contains well-developed code in these packages:
- tetrad
- pitt
- tetradapp
The tetrad-lib package contains the model code; the tetrad-gui package contains the view (GUI) code.
A similar method can be followed for installing in some other IDE.
Please submit an issue in our Issue Tracker, which we assiduously read.