Version 1.99.9
- Hidden fluids no longer show up in fluid extractor interface.
- Tinted the inventory combinator to distinguish it from the constant combinator.
- Removed Clusterio item group and moved the interactor recipies to be under the logistic-network recipies.
- Recoloured interactors to match the Active Provider Chest and Requester Chest since their function is similar to those.
- Fixed broken fluid extractor fluid icons when fluids used the icon property.
- Fixed crash on large instance ids by clamping them to [-2^31, 2^31-1] in the inventory combinator.
- Fixed being able to place eletricity interactors outside the restriction zone.
- Fixed restricton zone not being displayed when holding a interactor ghost.
- Fixed resources getting exported to the cluster when infinity mode is enabled.
- Fixed placing interactor outside of restriction area breaking undo.
- Fixed item extractor being able to request more items than can fit its storage, leaving the overflow in an infinite hidden buffer.
- Fixed hidden buffer storing requested items that were not put into an extractor forever.
1.99.9 for Factorio 0.17
1.99.10 for Factorio 1.0
1.99.11 for Factorio 1.1