This is a Google Chrome Extension that provides a set of enhancements for the website.
Make sure you're using Google Chrome. The extension is published here, in the Chrome Web Store.
- Load/Save Puzzles - you can copy/paste a textual representation of the current solution in order to resume it later.
- Regex Validation - as soon as you complete a row/column, the corresponding regex clues are automatically validated and their status is shown in red or green. This also works for the newly introduced hexagonal puzzles.
- Regex Explanation - the clues are links to the Regexper website.
- Player Puzzle List Filter - (only for authenticated users) - allows you to filter toggle between showing the entire puzzle list, or just the unsolved unambiguous puzzles available.
Have fun playing this awesome game!
- Added a syntax-highlighted view of the regex patterns.
- Better UI for redirecting to
- Made the puzzle clues link to for explanations.
- Use color-blind friendly colors (issue #2)
- Added auto-validation of the answer when a puzzle page is loaded (because RegexCrossword now saves answers).
- Fixed Player puzzles page bug - filtering functionality was not working (did not wait for the data to arrive from the server).
- Player puzzles page - replaced the Only show unsolved unambiguous option with two options: Hide solved and Hide ambiguous.
Initial Release