Kafka-client is a library used to simplify configuration and access to Kafka producers and consumers.
Example of a yaml configuration file
- id: cluster1
enabled: true
version: "3.1.0"
tls-enabled: false
- "kafka11.domain.ch:9093"
- "kafka12.domain.ch:9093"
client-id: your-client-id
client-secret: your-client-secret
token-url: https://path.to/your/token/provider/protocol/openid-connect/token
- id: producer-id1
topic: my.topic1
- id: consumer-id1
enabled: true
topic: my.consumed.topic1
consumer-group-name: consumer-group1
failure-producer: producer-id2
- id: consumer-id2
topic: my.consumed.topic2
consumer-group-name: <UUID> # <UUID> will be replaced by a real UUID when the consumer is created
- id: cluster2
enabled: true
version: "3.1.0"
tls-enabled: false
- "kafka21.domain.ch:9093"
- "kafka22.domain.ch:9093"
client-id: your-client-id
client-secret: your-client-secret
token-url: https://path.to/your/token/provider/protocol/openid-connect/token
- id: producer-id2
topic: my.topic2
var kafkaUniverse *kafkauniverse.KafkaUniverse
var kafkaLogger = log.With(logger, "svc", "kafka")
var c = getViperConfiguration()
var err error
kafkaUniverse, err = kafkauniverse.NewKafkaUniverse(ctx, kafkaLogger, "ENV_", func(value any) error {
return c.UnmarshalKey("my-kafka-key", value)
if err != nil {
kafkaLogger.Error(ctx, "msg", "could not configure Kafka", "err", err)
logger.Info(ctx, "msg", "Kafka configuration loaded")
defer kafkaUniverse.Close()
Note that the client secret can be replaced by an environment variable... in the previous example, ENV_ will be the prefix of the environment variable, the cluster ID with uppercase and - replaced by _, and a suffix _CLIENT_SECRET. In this example, the environment variable should be ENV_CLUSTER1_CLIENT_SECRET.
if err := kafkaUniverse.InitializeProducers("producer-id1", "producer-id2"); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "msg", "can't initialize kafka producers", "err", err)
if err := kafkaUniverse.InitializeConsumers("consumer-id1"); err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "msg", "can't initialize kafka consumers", "err", err)
// Override the default context initializer. In the following example, you can add a random UUID as a correlation ID
var contextInitializer = func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, cs.CtContextCorrelationID, idGenerator.NextID())
// Add content mappers. By default, the content will be a slice of bytes containing the raw message consumed from a Kafka topic.
// You can add some mappers to transform it in the something more confortable to use.
// By default, no mapper is configured. A pre-defined mapper is available to decode the raw message from Base64: mappers.DecodeBase64Bytes
var mapBytesToString = func(ctx context.Context, in any) (any, error) {
return string(in.([]byte)), nil
var mapStringToInt = func(ctx context.Context, in any) (any, error) {
return strconv.Atoi(in.(string))
// You have to provide an handler for each consumed message
var myHandler = func(ctx context.Context, message kafkauniverse.KafkaMessage) error {
var content = message.Content().(int)
// process your content
// by default, the consumer is configured to "AutoCommit": you can disable this AutoCommit and confirm the message is processed like this:
// If you need to abort all processings of the current consumer, use the AbortConsuming function:
return nil
SetLogEventRate(100). // Write a message in logs every 100 consumed messages
When everything is configured, you can start consuming your topics:
kafkaUniverse.StartConsumers("consumer-id1", ..., "consumer-idN")