(firewall-manager-shield_advanced): add missing attributes @eladlevi-dy (#38)
add missing attribues that cause drifts.
add attributes automaticResponseStatus
, automaticResponseAction
and overrideCustomerWebaclClassic
These attributes are part of the firewall manager shield advanced policy values and had to be addressed in the module, otherwise there will be drift any time "drift detection" runs.
~ security_service_policy_data {
~ managed_service_data = jsonencode(
~ {
- automaticResponseConfiguration = {
- automaticResponseAction = null
- automaticResponseStatus = "IGNORED"
} -> null
- overrideCustomerWebaclClassic = false -> null
# (1 unchanged element hidden)
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
# (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
Link to AWS doc.