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A BOSH release for deploying winc

The following powershell script can be used to quickly create a new container.

Developer Workflow

  • Clone CI repository (next to where this code is cloned), and make sure latest is pulled by running git pull

    mkdir -p ~/workspace
    cd ~/workspace
    git clone
  • Git - Distributed version control system

  • Go - The Go programming language

  • Build required binaries

. ".\src\build-binaries.ps1"
  • Create Container with an optional containerId as an argument. This requires setting WINC_TEST_ROOTFS to an image (e.g. docker:///cloudfoundry/windows2016fs:2019) and GROOT_IMAGE_STORE (e.g C:\var\vcap\data\tmp\groot)
Start-Process -FilePath "powershell.exe" 
    -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File .\src\create-container.ps1 <CONTAINER_ID>" 
    -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow
  • Get Container state
winc state <CONTAINER_ID>
  • Delete Container
Start-Process -FilePath "powershell.exe" 
    -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File .\src\delete-container.ps1 <CONTAINER_ID>" 
    -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow

Example of a valid bundle config.json

    "ociVersion":  "1.1.0",
    "root":  {
                 "path":  "\\\\?\\Volume{guid-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx}"
    "windows":  {
                    "layerFolders":  [
    "process":  {
                    "args":  [
                    "cwd":  "C:\\"
With Docker
  • ./scripts/create-docker-container.bash: This will create a docker container with appropriate mounts.
  • ./scripts/test-in-docker-locally.bash: Create docker container and run tempate tests and linters

When inside docker container:

  • /repo/scripts/docker/tests-templates.bash: This will run all of tests for bosh tempalates
  • /repo/scripts/docker/lint.bash: This will run all of linting defined for this repo.