Some util scripts.
- jmeter scripts
- start-pt
- pt-stat
$ ./jmeter-scripts/start-pt
usage: start-pt [-d] [-T toleration_threshold] [-F frustration_threshold]
testcase [jmeter_options]
e.g. start-pt test1.jmx
start-pt test1.jmx -o output/test1 -e
start-pt -T 500 -F 1000 test1.jmx -o output/test1 -e
-T the toleration threshold in milliseconds, default 500
-F the frustration threshold in milliseconds, default 1500
-d debug mode
$ ./jmeter-scripts/pt-stat
usage: pt-stat [-d] [-c category_column] [-e elapsed_column] [-l latency_column]
[-s status_column] [-o ok_codes] [-x strip_milliseconds]
[-T toleration_threshold] [-F frustration_threshold]
[-P parallel_number] [-L 1000*lines_per_smaller_jtl_file]
e.g. pt-stat test.jtl
pt-stat -x1000 test.jtl
pt-stat -x1000 -e14 -T10 -F20 test.jtl
pt-stat -x1000 -o200,201 test.jtl
pt-stat -x1000 -otrue -s8 test.jtl
pt-stat -x1000 -P2 -L1 test.jtl
-c the index of category column, default 3
-e the index of elapsed column, default 2
-l the index of latency column, default 14
-s the index of status column, default 4
-o the list of OK status code, comma-separated, default 200
-x ingore the head and tail records of jtl_file by strip_milliseconds, default 60000
-T the toleration threshold in milliseconds, default 500
-F the frustration threshold in milliseconds, default 1500
-P the parallel number of analysing, default is the cpu cores
-L 1000*L lines in per smaller jtl files, default 5000
-d debug mode