One click deploying of an integrated openstack cloud on rackspace cloud files.
OpenStack is under active development with many different projects:
- nova - compute
- glance - image delievery
- swift - object storage
- keystone - identity / authentication
- dash - dashbaord
As they are all changing rapidly, we need a way to deploy an integrated system. With a single button push an automated install.
Provide a webpage that:
- Lists all running the stack
- Can spawn a new stacks with the click of the button:
- Starts a cloud server
- Pulls down and runs a la
- shutdown instances older than 24 hours via cron
- make /latest always point to the most recent deploy at least 5 minutes
- ajaxterm integration (single click to access console via ssh)
- /foo should redirect to a test instance named foo
- log integration
- option to deploy specific revisions of components
- kill a single stack
- display a checkbox next to stacks that "work"
#You need cherrypy 3. This may be python-cherrypy on some debian based distros or python-cherrypy3 on others
apt-get install -y python-cherrypy3
apt-get install -y python-paramiko
git clone
cd openstack.compute
python install
There is an example configuration file in radioedit.cfg.
We use apache2 for deployment with the following mod_wsgi configuration:
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/radioedit/
WSGIPassAuthorization On