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Building a daily LeetCode problem-solving habit. This repository includes solutions implemented in TypeScript with testing powered by Vitest, along with curated interview prep notes and frameworks.


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📚 LeetCode Daily Practice with TypeScript and Vitest

A collaborative group with friends to build a daily LeetCode problem-solving habit. This repository includes solutions implemented in TypeScript with testing powered by Vitest, along with curated interview prep notes and frameworks.

🔥 Features

  • 📖 Daily LeetCode solutions (Grind 75, Neetcode roadmap)
  • 🛠️ Solutions tested with Vitest
  • 📝 Interview prep notes and frameworks

🗂️ Progress Tracker

# Solution Topic Date
0733 [E] Flood Fill Graph 2025-01-02 (Day 01)
0226 [E] Invert Binary Tree Binary Tree Day 02
0110 [E] Balanced Binary Tree Binary Tree Day 03
0102 [M] Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Binary Tree Day 04
0297 [H] Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Binary Tree Day 05
0104 [E] Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Binary Tree Day 06
0020 [E] Valid Parentheses Stack Day 07
0232 [E] Implement Queue using Stacks Stack Day 08
0155 [M] Min Stack Stack Day 09
0242 [E] Valid Anagram String Day 10
0121 [E] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Array Day 11
0021 [E] Merge Two Sorted Lists Linked List Day 12
0206 [E] Reverse Linked List Linked List Day 13
0409 [E] Longest Palindrome String Day 14
0704 [E] Binary Search Binary Search Day 15
0057 [M] Insert Interval Array Day 16
0075 [M] Sort Colors Array Day 17
0278 [E] First Bad Version Binary Search Day 18
0056 [M] Merge Intervals Array Day 19
0003 [M] Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters String Day 20
0001 [E] Two Sum Array Day 21
0383 [E] Ransom Note Hash Table Day 22
0169 [E] Majority Element Array Day 23
0046 [M] Permutations Recursion Day 24
0011 [M] Container With Most Water Array Day 25
0141 [M] Linked List Cycle Linked List Day 26
0015 [M] 3Sum Array Day 27
0876 [E] Middle of the Linked List Linked List Day 28
0207 [M] Course Schedule Graph Day 29
0210 [M] Course Schedule II Graph Day 30
0542 [M] 01 Matrix Graph Day 31
3151 [E] Special Array I Array Day 32
1752 [E] Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated Array Day 33
3105 [E] Longest Strictly Increasing or Strictly Decreasing Subarray Array Day 34


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Building a daily LeetCode problem-solving habit. This repository includes solutions implemented in TypeScript with testing powered by Vitest, along with curated interview prep notes and frameworks.




