This extension gives you an easy way to add simple pages to CKAN.
By default you can add pages to the main CKAN menu.
Tested on CKAN 2.9 and 2.10.
Note: For CKAN 2.7 and 2.8 use v0.3.7 or older versions.
Use pip
to install this plugin. This example installs it in /home/www-data/pyenv
, assuming you have setup a virtualenv there:
source /home/www-data/pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -e 'git+'
Make sure to add pages
to ckan.plugins
in your config file:
ckan.plugins = pages
You need to initialize database from command line with the following commands:
ON CKAN >= 2.9:
(pyenv) $ ckan --config=/etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini db upgrade -p pages
Extra config options allow you to control the creation of extra pages against groups and organizations.
To swich on this behaviour, to your config add:
ckanext.pages.organization = True = True
These options are False by default.
This module also gives you a quick way to remove default elements from the CKAN menu and you may need todo this in order for you to have space for the new items you add. These options are:
ckanext.pages.about_menu = False
ckanext.pages.group_menu = False
ckanext.pages.organization_menu = False
By default these are all set to True, like on a default install.
To enable HTML output for the pages (along with Markdown), add the following to your config:
ckanext.pages.allow_html = True
By default this option is set to False. Note that this feature is only available for CKAN >= 2.3. For older versions of CKAN, this option has no effect. Use this option with care and only allow this if you trust the input of your users.
If you want to use the WYSIWYG editor instead of Markdown:
ckanext.pages.editor = medium
ckanext.pages.editor = ckeditor
This enables either the medium or ckeditor
ckanext.pages.revisions_limit = 3
By default the value is set to 3
revisions to be stored. While adding this option with a higher number, the amount of stored revisions will be increased.
ckanext.pages.revisions_force_limit = true
By default is set to False
. Needed when the ckanext.pages.revisions_limit
number is decresed from the original (e.g. from 5 to 2) and we want to make sure that all Pages after update will have only specified number of Revisions instead of the old setting number. Without it, if Page had previously 5 Revisions, the page will continue to have 5 Revisions as it removes only the last one, so the new number limit will effect only new Pages, while setting this option to true
, will force old Pages after update to have the spcific amount of last Revisions.
This extension defines an IPagesSchema
interface that allows other extensions to update the pages schema and add custom fields.
To do so, you can implement the method update_pages_schema
in your extension:
import ckan.plugins as plugins
import ckan.plugins.toolkit as toolkit
from ckanext.pages.interfaces import IPagesSchema
class MyextPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
def update_pages_schema(self, schema):
'new_field': [
return schema
and also extends ckanext_pages/base_form.html
and override the extra_pages_form
block to add it to the form:
{% ckan_extends %}
{% set options = [{'value': True, 'text': _('Yes')}, {'value': False, 'text': _('No')}]%}
{% block extra_pages_form %}
{{'new_field', id = 'new_field', label = 'New Field', options=options, selected=data.testing) }}
{% endblock extra_pages_form %}
If you want to override, make sure your extension is added before pages
in the ckan.plugins
The default configuration used by the CKEditor widget is defined in the ckanext/pages/assets/js/ckedit.js
file. This configuration can be overriden from your own plugin setting the window.ckan.pages.override_config
variable. For example, create the following script in your extension:
this.ckan = this.ckan || {};
this.ckan.pages = this.ckan.pages || {};
$(document).ready(function() {
window.ckan.pages.override_config = {
toolbarGroups: [
//... your custom toolbar
extraPlugins: '', // Add extra plugins here (make sure to also load their js/css assets from your plugin)
// ...
Configure your plugin assets to serve the script above, and extend the ckanext_pages/base_form.html
template to add the asset to the ckanext-pages form page:
{% ckan_extends %}
{% asset 'my-plugin/pages-extra-config.js' %}
- lxml (optional, only used for injecting resource views into pages)
Released under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0. See the file LICENSE
for details.
See the file