This is a command line application that creates a Twitter bot using the Tweepy API with the following functionalities:
- Follow/Unfollow specified users.
- Automatically like and retweet all new tweets from specified users
- Automatically reply to messages sent to the bot with a default message.
- Tweet from the command line using the bot account.
- Tweepy package installed and a version of Python 3.+
- Make sure you have a Twitter Dev Account
- Fill in bot details in 'bots.json' manually or through running '' and
adding the details in through the command line.
- These are linked to and retrieved through your Twitter Dev Account
{ "twitter_handle": "", "consumer_key": "", "consumer_secret": "", "access_token": "", "access_token_secret": "" }
- If using the reply-bot, you can change the default SCRIPTED_MSG in to whatever message you want. This can also be done in the command line when running the program.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.