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Artemy Beliankin edited this page Apr 14, 2021 · 2 revisions

Profiling redis configuration

$ insecticide --redis-config test/data/redis.conf --redis-version 6
Parameter: requirepass
Advice: Parameter requirepass is not set. Index: 0
Reason: Set variable for Param requirepass and Index 0

Parameter: appendonly
Advice: Read this page and make decision:
Reason: Persistence disabled. Your data just exists as long as the server is running

Parameter: timeout
Advice: Set timeout
Reason: If timeout is 0, clients connections won't be closed. They will be in idle status.

Parameter: loglevel
Advice: In production use a less aggressive logging policy (notice or warning)
Reason: Many rarely useful info, but not a mess like the debug level


For help do following command

$ insecticide --help
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