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Deploying a test environment

Hillary edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • Have the following installed via brew:
    • awscli
    • packer
    • terraform
  • Your ~/.aws directory set up with credentials for cyhy-production

Local prep and tfvars

  1. Clone the cyhy_amis repo locally.
  2. Verify that your AWS_PROFILE env var is set to cyhy-production
  3. Set up a pyenv and make sure ansible, boto3, and botocore are installed
cd ~/projects/cyhy_amis
pyenv virtualenv cyhy_amis
pyenv local cyhy_amis
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip ansible boto3 botocore
  1. Run a script to retrieve the production tfvars from AWS S3 so we can modify it to create a setup for the test environment
cd terraform
  1. Open prod-a.tfvars in your editor of choice and make the following modifications for a test deployment:
aws_region = "us-east-2"  # from "us-east-1"
aws_availability_zone = "c"  # from "a"

tags = {
    Workspace = "your_workspace"  # use a consistent workspace name throughout

# Clear the array and leave an empty string
nessus_activation_codes = [  
# Clear the array and leave an empty string
mgmt_nessus_activation_codes = [

Set up Terraform workspace

Assessment data import

  1. Clone the assessment-data-import-terraform repo.
  2. Create a your_workspace.yml file: as follows:
aws_region = "us-east-2"  # from "us-east-1"
aws_availability_zone = "c"  # from "a"

tags = {
  Team = "CISA Development Team"
  Application = "Cyber Hygiene"
  Workspace = "your_workspace"  # use a consistent workspace name throughout

# In production workspaces, "-production" is automatically appended to the
# bucket names below
# In non-production workspaces, "-{workspace_name}" is automatically appended
# to the bucket names below
assessment_data_s3_bucket               = "assessment-data"
assessment_data_import_lambda_s3_bucket = "assessment-data-import-lambda"
  1. Run the setup steps from the repo's as follows:
cd ~/projects/assessment-data-import-terraform
terraform init

# If you have not created your terraform workspace:
terraform workspace new <your_workspace>

# If you have previously created your terraform workspace:
terraform workspace select <your_workspace>

terraform apply -var-file=<your_workspace>.yml

Findings data import

  1. Clone the findings-data-import-terraform repo.
  2. Create a your_workspace.yml file: as follows:
aws_region = "us-east-2"  # from "us-east-1"
aws_availability_zone = "c"  # from "a"

tags = {
  Team = "CISA Development Team"
  Application = "Cyber Hygiene"
  Workspace = "your_workspace"  # use a consistent workspace name throughout

# In production workspaces, "-production" is automatically appended to the
# bucket names below
# In non-production workspaces, "-{workspace_name}" is automatically appended
# to the bucket names below
findings_data_s3_bucket               = "findings-data"
findings_data_import_lambda_s3_bucket = "findings-data-import-lambda"
  1. Run the setup steps from the repo's as follows. If this is your first time through the instructions, you will need to perform new again.
terraform init

# If you have not created your terraform workspace:
terraform workspace new <your_workspace>

# If you have previously created your terraform workspace:
terraform workspace select <your_workspace>

terraform apply -var-file=<your_workspace>.yml

Deploy pre-built image

  1. Refer to the cyhy_amis README section about Building the Terraform-based infrastructure and perform the following:
ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/requirements.yml
cd terraform
terraform init

# If you have not created your terraform workspace:
terraform workspace new <your_workspace>

# If you have previously created your terraform workspace:
terraform workspace select <your_workspace>

terraform apply -var-file=<your_workspace>.yml
