A simple concurrent Erlang exercise based on the example given in Chapter 12 of "Learn You Some Earlang For Great Good" by Fred Hebert
A simple execution example of this application is as follows:
# The final argument is the date and time that you wish the event to complete
evserv:add_event("<Whatever event title you desire>", "<A description of the event>", {{YYYY,MM,DD},{HH,MM,SS}}).
evserv:listen(<the number of seconds you would like to pause and wait for event response>).
A basic supervisor is also built into this example.
SupPid = sup:start(evserv,[]). # Start the supervisor and event server
exit(whereis(evserv),die). # Kill the event server to test the supervisor
exit(whereis(sup),die). # Kill the supervisor and notice that all children are also killed