Application that return ticket information for a client using the UserInterface
Behavior: Stores user input in a new ticket object input: Fast 16, 12, 8pm output: Ticket object {name: Fast 16, age: 12, showtime: 8pm}
Behavior: Site will store each movie in a object input: Fast 16, 8pm, R rating, matinee output: movie {name: Fast 16, showtime: 8pm, rating: R, type: matinee}
Behavior: Will store movie objects in a movie theater object input: Fast 16, Monsters Inc., Despicable me output: Movie Theater {movies = [Fast 16, Monsters Inc., Despicable Me]}
Behavior: Calculate the cost of the ticket. input: Fast 16, 12, 8pm output: Ticket object {name: Fast 16, age: 12, showtime: 8pm, price: 14.99}
Behavior: Site lists out names of movies input: user selects movie output: Offers showtimes
Behavior: users enter an age and the site only lists movies with appropriate ratings input: 12 output: Despicable Me (PG), Monsters Inc (PG), etc.
Behavior: site allows users to select a movie and view showtimes input: Despicable Me output: noon, 8pm, 12am
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