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chuckablack edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 1 revision

If you are using the pre-built quokka OVA, these instructions will tell you how to use it.

The pre-built quokka OVA is an image of a virtual machine, built on a Linux operating system (Ubuntu), which has all the necessary software pre-installed and ready to go. That includes all the libraries necessary to run quokka. You will be importing the OVA file into your virtualization software, and then you will be using the quokka VM, running quokka, discovering hosts, monitoring devices and services, etc., from that Ubuntu virtual machine.

The things you will want to do are as follows:

  • Download the OVA, which is an image of a virtual machine that has been built to run quokka
  • Import the OVA into your virtualization application (e.g. VirtualBox or VmWare)

Once you have downloaded and imported the quokka OVA, you will want to:

  • Start the quokka VM that you've just imported
  • Log into the quokka VM (username is 'quokka', password is 'quokka123!'

Now, you are running the quokka VM. In order to start quokka running:

  • Open a terminal (click on the terminal icon on the left side of the screen)
  • From the terminal, change directory to quokka (type: cd quokka)
  • Run quokka (including the UI, workers, etc.) by running the command (type: ./

That's it! Hopefully at this point, the quokka server will start running, the quokka UI will fire up and open a browser pointing at quokka, and even the quokka workers will be running in the background.

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