Use docker-compose up -d
to download the docker image and start three ubuntu servers and an Ansible master. Take control of the Ansible master with docker-compose exec ansible-master bash
Make sure to put the proper permissions on the private key on the Ansible Master.
From within the ansible-master
root@asnible-master: chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
From the ansible-master
container, verify that you can connect to root on server-1
, server-2
, and server-3
over ssh
. For example:
root@ansible-master: ssh root@server-1
Test Ansible with the ping
root@ansible-master: ansible all -i /etc/ansible/host_inventory -m ping
Note the structure of the command. We have:
root@ansible-master: ansible <group of hosts> -i <host inventory> -m <module>
- Host inventory: List of host IP addresses or hostnames
- Groups: We can collect hosts into logical groups. A host can belong to multiple groups.
- Modules: Code packaged with Ansible that runs on the remote machines. There are many of these! look up "Module Index" in the Ansible documentation.