For API authentication to work, a Firebase service account key is required. Create a new project and obtain a key as described in the docs, saving it as config/firebase.json
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd backend
# Create env files, remember to update accordingly
cp django.env.sample django.env
cp postgres.env.sample postgres.env
cp mbtiles.env.sample mbtiles.env
cp auth.env.sample auth.env # from
# Build and start the docker containers
make run
# Navigate to http://localhost/
# 502 error means postgres is starting, try again in a few seconds
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd backend
# Create and activate virtual environment
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate # *nix
venv/Scripts/activate # win
pip install -r config/requirements.txt
cd project
python runserver # must be executed from the project directory
make run_prod
can be used to configure the containers for a production setup.