-- Describes contents of hemco_standalone_full 01 Aug 2014 Christoph Keller and the GEOS-Chem Support Team and
The hemco_standalone_full/ repository contains the makefile that will automatically download and build the following codes:
(1) NcdfUtilities: (2) HEMCO (Harvard-NASA Emissions Component)
Please see our HEMCO Installation Guide for complete installation instructions:
HEMCO requires that your system have a netCDF library installation, which can be either the newer (netCDF-4) or older (netCDF-classic) versions.
The build sequence involves the following steps:
(1) Making sure you have a version of the netCDF library installed on your system. See this section of the HEMCO installation guide for more information:
(2) Setting the proper environment variables. See this section of the HEMCO installation guide for more information:
(3) Installing HEMCO and the NcdfUtilities package. See this section of the HEMCO installation for more information:
(3a) As described in the above link, the installation sequence involves a couple of simple steps:
git clone
cd hemco_standalone_full
make >& log
Upon successful installation, an HEMCO example simulation is performed. The resulting log file and ncdf emission field are written into the directory: HEMCO/examples/example1/output/