Releases: christoph-hart/WaveEdit
Releases · christoph-hart/WaveEdit
1.1 with note number support
This is a slightly modified version of the WaveEdit tool which adds a note name field that is used to determine the length of the exported wavetables.
It uses 48kHz for the sample rate. You can enter values like D2
and it will prefix them to the exported wavetables as well as resample the internal wavetable to the given length (in this example, **327 samples).
The reason for this is that HISE uses one wavetable bank per note number. This allows "multisampled" wavetables with a own sample set for every pitch.
How to use this tool to get wavetables into HISE
- Create a wavetable bank in this app
- Enter the note name that you want to load this wavetable bank to. You can either use one bank per note or fewer, in which case they will get stretched across the keyboard (but be aware of some nasty antialiasing for high pitch changes. All wavetables that belong to one set should be exported into the same directory. You'll be ending up with a lot of small intermediate wav files, which can be deleted after successful conversion.
- (Not implemented yet) Use the HISE wavetable importer to convert the samples to the wavetable data file. This file then can be put into the
subfolder of your project. You can then select the wavetable set using the drop down selector in the wavetable synth.