Command-line executable to load a portfolio of cryptocoins from Poloniex
This executable uses the Poloniex API to load your portfolio and open orders, and report the total value in BTC and USD. It can be used with an app like Bitbar to make it easy to quickly check on your portfolio.
You must have the Xcode command-line tools and Swift 3 installed.
xcode-select --install
The executable also uses your Poloniex API keys to load data from your account. Be careful with those keys, as they can be used to make trades and transfers from your account. Put the key and secret in a json file in this format:
"API_KEY": "xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx",
"API_SECRET": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..."
swift build
.build/debug/poloniex-portfolio <path to keys file>