Write a console program in C# that invites the user to guess a number.
The program should be written in increments. Each phase will add a little more complexity.
The program should...
- Display a message to the user asking them to guess the secret number.
- Display a prompt for the user's guess.
- Take the user's guess as input and save it as a variable.
- Display the user's guess back to the screen.
The program should be updated to...
- Create a variable to contain the secret number. This number should be hard-coded for now. 42 is a nice number.
- No longer display the user's guess. They know what they guessed, right?
- Compare the user's guess with the secret number. Display a success message if the guess is correct, otherwise display a failure message.
The program should be updated to...
- Give the user four chances to guess the number.
- Continue to display the success or failure messages as in phase 2
The program should be updated to...
- Display the number of the user's current guess in the prompt.
For example, if the user has already guessed one time, the prommpt should say something like
Your guess (2)>
. - End the loop early if the user guesses the correct number.
The program should be updated to...
- Use a random number between 1 and 100 instead of a hard-coded number.
- The prompt should display the number of guesses the user has left.
The program should be updated to...
- Inform the user if their guess was too high or too low, when they guess incorrectly.
The program should be updated to...
- Prompt the user for a difficulty level before they are prompted to guess the number.
- The difficulty level should determine how many guesses the user gets.
The difficulty levels should be:
- Easy - this gives the user eight guesses.
- Medium - this gives the user six guesses.
- Hard - this gives the user four guesses.
The program should be updated to...
- Add a difficulty level of "Cheater" which will cause the program to continue prompting the user until they get the answer correct.