This repository contains solution architecture patterns which can be reused to build enterprise software systems. Some of these patterns are well established in the industry and some of them are evolving patterns while there is another set which is at conceptual level.
API Security pattern API Security Pattern
API-led Connectivity pattern API-led Connectivity pattern
Anti Corruption Layer pattern Anti Corruption Layer Pattern
Ballerina sidecar pattern Ballerina sidecar pattern
Centralized Identity and Access Management Pattern Centralized Identity and Access Management Pattern
Cloud Migration with Strangler Pattern Cloud Migration with Strangler Pattern
Decentralized Enterprise Architecture pattern Decentralized Enterprise Architecture Pattern
Enterprise CICD pattern Enterprise CICD Pattern
Enterprise Software Stack Enterprise Software Stack
Event Driven Architecture Kafka Pattern Event Driven Architecture Kafka Pattern
GraphQL enterprise architecture patterns GraphQL Pattern
Hybrid API Management pattern Hybrid API Management Pattern
Hybrid Integration pattern Hybrid Integration Pattern
Istio Service Mesh pattern Istio Service Mesh Pattern
Kubernetes Deployment pattern Kubernetes Deployment Pattern
Layered architecture pattern Layered Architecture Pattern
Micro architecture pattern Micro Architecture Pattern
Microservices with NATS messaging Microservices with NATS messaging
Microservices Security Pattern - Policy based Microservices Security Pattern - Policy based
Multi Cloud Enterprise Deployment pattern Multi Cloud Enterprise Deployment Pattern
OpenAPI Based Digital Transformation pattern OpenAPI Based Digital Transformation Pattern
These patterns are specific to a business domain or an industry. Most of these patterns can be considered as reference archtiectures.
Telecommunication Reference Architecture Telecommunication Reference Architecture
Transportation Reference Architecture Transportation Reference Architecture
Digital Health Platform Open Source Architecture Digital Health Platform Open Source Architecture
These patterns are specific to a vendor and some of the terminology used in these diagrams may not be common across other vendors.