- Ruby 1.9.3 (Pearson servers use 1.9.3-p484)
- Node ~0.10 (for asset compilation)
- bower
- bundler
If you already have node and bower you can skip the following.
brew install nodejs
npm install bower -g
if you are starting from scratch on a new machine (no ruby) you will need to get your machine setup: https://wiki.unboxedconsulting.com/wiki/Mac_Dev_Environment_-_Mountain_Lion
bower install
# imagemagick required for image-resizing
brew install imagemagick
# PhantomJS required to run headless test
brew install phantomjs
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
cp config.ru.example config.ru
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails s
rake spec:javascript
or visit /spec
in the app
cp config/carrierwave.yml.example config/carrierwave.yml
The S3 credentials can be found on the Jira ticket for creating the environment (ML-51: http://jira.pearson.com/browse/ML-51). Add the to the yml file.
See the corresponding seed file for detailed instructions: db/seeds/learners.rb If you don't have account details you can use the test user credentials: Email: t@example.com Password: Aloof-Ruler4begin
We are using the git flow branching strategy. Builds will be run from the develop branch. Please work on new stories using a feature branch. https://github.com/nvie/gitflow http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
Add Description to the Activities Modle/Table as per ML-70 http://jira.pearson.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=421&view=detail&selectedIssue=ML-70
Design: http://jira.pearson.com/secure/attachment/73577/131127-newAchievementDialogue.png
in the file spec/models/achievement_spec.rb
Add a test in the validations:
it 'Does NOT require a description' do
expect(Achievement.make(:description=> "")).to be_valid
Run the spec and watch it fail:
rspec spec/models/achievement_spec.rb
should see something like:
Failure/Error: expect(Achievement.make(:description=> "")).not_to be_valid
# ./spec/models/achievement_spec.rb:16:in `block ...
6 examples, 1 failure
rails g migration add_description_to_achievements description:string
rake db:migrate
Rerun the spec should pass now:
rspec spec/models/achievement_spec.rb
Rusty on Rails Migrations?
- Quick guide: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4834809/adding-a-column-to-a-table-in-rails
- More Detail: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/migrations.html
First we need to add the field to the input form. The file to edit is: app/views/achievements/_form.html.erb
<%= f.label :description %>
<%= f.text_field :description %>
This just adds the label and field to our achievement creation form.
Find the line that specifies which fiels a user can submit:
def permitted_params
params.permit(:achievement => [:name])
And add the description field to the array:
def permitted_params
params.permit(:achievement => [:name, :description])
Now we add it to the view that is dispalying our achievements: app/views/achievements/_achievement.html.erb
<%= f.label :description %>
<%= f.text_field :description %>
To allow the learner to create their achievements from the dashboard we need to add the achievements/form to views/dashboard/index.html.erb
<!-- include partial: _form.html.erb -->
<div class="achievement-inline-form">
<%= form_for Achievement.new do |f| %>
<%= render 'achievements/form', :f => f %>
<% end %>
I wrapped the form in a
The designs for inline achievement creation removes the labels from the input fields and instead has placeholder text.
In the achievements form app/views/achievements/_form.html.erb we need to add the placeholder text:
<%= f.text_field :name,
:placeholder => 'What do you want to call your achievement?'%>
<%= f.text_field :description,
:placeholder => 'Describe your achievement'%>
Rather than hiding the labels in the form I will only hide them for the inline form (in CSS)
Make sure the achievements.scss SASS file is imported in application.scss:
@import "modules/achievements";
Capybara Cheet Sheet: https://gist.github.com/zhengjia/428105