3000+ RGB colors in code ready formats for SFML (C++), SDL (C++), Game Maker (gml), Godot (tscn) & Unity (C#)
Includes hex values for all colors and names where available (Hex is also supplied code ready for SFML).
The color pool is largely taken from Pantone and the palettes are largely aimed at fixed color game development. (e.g. Commodore 64, NES).
I'd suggest using this as a reference rather than including it in full as it's unlikely you'll use 3k colors and it will add needless variables.
Sourced via: https://lospec.com/
Color Graphics Adapter
Commodore 64
MSX / Microsoft 1983
Macintosh II
ZX Spectrum
Nintendo Entertainment System / NES
Sourced via http://www.smspower.org/Development/Palette
Pantone color names sourced via: https://github.com/Margaret2/pantone-colors Pantone PMS (Pantone Matching System) colors sourced via: http://www.excaliburcreations.com/pantone.html
Pantone colors names are copyright Pantone.
SFML rgb: static const sf::Color cga_02(245,85,85); // FF555555
SFML hex: static const sf::Color cga_02(0x00555555); // (245,85,85)
SDL: SDL_Color cga_02 = {245, 85, 85};
Game Maker: col_cga_02 = make_color_rgb(245,85,85);
Unity: public Color cga_02 = Color(0.961F, 0.333F, 0.333F);
Godot: var col_cga_02 Color(0.961, 0.333, 0.333)
css: --cga_02: #FF555555
Hex values notes i.e. // FF555555 are available in the included excel file.
For 0-1 RGB rounding was done using the excel function round(), which rounds to the nearest integer, if you are using a language that always rounds down this may cause slight variations.