Specialist for process automation in Open Source infrastructures -
with a focus on the Red Hat ecosystem (Satellite, Ansible and OpenShift).
Specialist for process automation in Open Source infrastructures -
with a focus on the Red Hat ecosystem (Satellite, Ansible and OpenShift).
Ansible dynamic inventory for Vagrant. Use "ansible-playbook -i vagrant_inventory.py" to manage your Vagrant VMs. Not to be used via Vagrantfile.
Python 8
Forked from unistra/ansible-collection-glpi
Ansible dynamic inventory for GLPI.
Python 1
Demo application to demonstrate OpenShift features - Builds, S2I, Routes
Perl 3
Provides a REST API to a website that allows to change the background colour from green to red to signal your availability.
Python 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
# File: sat6ShowHostSubscriptions.py
# Authors: Rich Jerrido <rjerrido@outsidaz.org>
# Christopher Hornberger <christopher.hornberger@camptocamp.com>