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Metadata Service

The Gearbox Service provides API for retrieving JSON metadata of GUIDs.

The server is built with FastAPI and packaged with Poetry.

View API Documentation


Install required software:

Then use poetry install to install the dependencies. Before that, a virtualenv is recommended. If you don't manage your own, Poetry will create one for you during poetry install, and you must activate it by:

poetry shell


Create a file .env in the root directory of the checkout: (uncomment to override the default)

# DB_HOST = "..."           # default: localhost
# DB_PORT = ...             # default: 5432
# DB_USER = "..."           # default: current user
# DB_PASSWORD = "..."       # default: empty
# DB_DATABASE = "..."       # default: current user
# DB_PORT_TESTING = ...           # default: 5432
# ALLOWED_ISSUERS=http://fence-service/
# USER_API=http://fence-service/
# FORCE_ISSUER                  # default: True
# BYPASS_FENCE                  # default:False
# DEBUG                         # default: False
# TESTING                       # default: False
# BYPASS_FENCE_DUMMYER_USER_ID = ...  # default: 4
# ENABLE_PHI =                  # default: False

Run database schema migration:

alembic upgrade head

Run the server with auto-reloading:


Try out the API at: http://localhost:8000/docs.

Run tests

Please note that the name of the test database is prepended with "test_", you need to create that database first:

CREATE DATABASE test_gearbox;
pytest --cov=src --cov=migrations/versions tests

Develop with Docker

Use Docker compose:

docker-compose up

Run database schema migration as well:

docker-compose exec app alembic upgrade head

Run tests:

docker-compose exec app pytest --cov=src --cov=migrations/versions tests


For production, use gunicorn:

gunicorn gearbox.asgi:app -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -c

Or use the Docker image built from the Dockerfile, using environment variables with the same name to configure the server.

Other than database configuration, please also set:


Except that, don't use 123 or 456 as the password.

Extending DB

python -m venv env

source env/bin/activate

poetry install

alembic revision -m "add_save"

docker build -t gearbox:test .