19th July 2012 (2012-07-19)
- Description
- Authors
- Bugs, Feature requests etc.
- Licensing
This is the source code and data, for the website for Cheshire3. http://cheshire3.org http://cheshire3.github.com
Cheshire3 is a fast XML search engine, written in Python for extensability and using C libraries for speed. Cheshire3 is feature rich, including support for XML namespaces, unicode, a distributable object oriented model and all the features expected of a digital library system.
Cheshire3 Team at the University of Liverpool http://www.liv.ac.uk:
- Robert Sanderson
- John Harrison john.harrison@liv.ac.uk
(Current maintainer in bold)
Bug reports, feature requests etc. should be made using the GitHub issue tracker: https://github.com/cheshire3/cheshire3.github.com/issues
Copyright © 2005-2012, the University of Liverpool. All rights reserved.
cheshire3.github.com and
cheshire3.org by
Cheshire3 Team at the University of Liverpool is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.