Reference implementation of our rewiring method as proposed in
Probabilistically Rewired Message-Passing Neural Networks
Chendi Qian*, Andrei Manolache*, Kareem Ahmed, Zhe Zeng, Guy Van den Broeck, Mathias Niepert†, Christopher Morris†
*These authors contributed equally.
†Co-senior authorship.
conda create -y -n prmpnn python=3.10
conda activate prmpnn
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install torch_geometric==2.4.0 # maybe latest also works
pip install
pip install
pip install ogb
pip install ml-collections
pip install sacred
pip install wandb
pip install gdown
# maybe need to downgrade numpy
pip install numpy=1.26.4
We empirically evaluate our rewiring method on multiple datasets.
- Alchemy
- NCI1
- NCI109
- ogbg-molhiv
WebKB: PyG class
- Cornell
- Texas
- Wisconsin
- peptides-func
- peptides-struct
QM9 used in DRew and SP-MPNN. Note there are different versions of QM9, e.g., PPGN
Trees-NeighborsMatch: code, paper
Trees-LeafColor: Our own ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
We provide rewiring options as following:
Add edges / remove edges
Directed / undirected: meaning adding or deleting edges in a directed way or not. If not, will add and remove undirected edges.
Separated / merged: if separated, will sample 2 graphs, one with edges added and the other with edges removed. If merged, will merge the 2 graphs as one.
- SIMPLE, code, paper
- I-MLE, code, paper
- Gumbel softmax for subset sampling
We provide yaml files under configs
, run e.g.
python with PATH_TO_CONFIG
Note that this repo provides a taste of how PR-MPNN works, with examples given by GIN network. For replicating the results in our paper, please see to the backup
branch, or contact