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tool designed for identifying vulnerabilities in open source codebases at scale. It can gather and filter on key repository metrics such as popularity and project size


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Repository files navigation

sastsweep is a tool designed for identifying vulnerabilities in open source codebases at scale. It can gather and filter on key repository metrics such as popularity and project size, enabling targeted vulnerability research. It automatically detects potential vulnerabilities using semgrep and provides a streamlined HTML report, allowing researchers to quickly drill down to the affected portion of the codebase.




Oneliner to scrape every HackerOne open source target and run semgrep on it

bbscope h1 -b -u '<HACKERONE_USERNAME>' -t '<HACKERONE_TOKEN>' -o tdu | grep -E 'https?://[A-Za-z0-9-]{1,}/[A-Za-z0-9-]{1,}' -o  | sastsweep -threads 10 -desc -stars -files

Scrape flask applications from github search using and filter on repositories with 500-3000 stars. Display the number of stars, the repository description, and number of files.

python3 --token '<GITHUB TOKEN>' --query '"import Flask" AND ".route("' | sastsweep -stars -desc -files -filter-stars 500-3000

Scan a single repository, display the number of stars, number of security issues, and date of the last commit

sastsweep -repo -stars -security-issues -last-commit

Scan a list of targets, display the star count, language composition, number of forks and number of contributors. Filter on repositories with a last commit date after 2024/01/01, less than 5000 stars, and 0 security issues

sastsweep -repos targets.txt -stars -lang -forks -contributors -filter-last-commit 2024/01/01- -filter-stars -5000 -filter-security-issues 0

Run with p/python config

sastsweep -config-path sastsweep.conf ...


FLAGS=--config p/python


Linux is currently the only supported and tested platform
sastsweep requires go >= 1.23 to install successfully. Run the following command to install sastsweep

go install


sastsweep -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

Usage of ./sastsweep:
    	Display the default branch of a repository
    	Display the number of commits to the repository
  -config-path string
    	Path to semgrep.conf file
    	Display the number of contributors in a repository
    	Enable debug messages
    	Display repo description
    	Display number of files in repo
  -filter-commits string
    	Filter the number of commits to the repository (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-contributors string
    	Filter the number of contributors in a repository (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-files string
    	Filter number of files in repo (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-first-commit string
    	Filter the date of the first commit to the repository (yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd, -yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/mm/dd-, yyyy/mm/dd)
  -filter-forks string
    	Filter the number of forks of repository (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-issues string
    	Filter the number of issues in a repository (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-last-commit string
    	Filter the date of the last commit to the repository (yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd, -yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/mm/dd-, yyyy/mm/dd)
  -filter-last-release string
    	Filter the date of the latest release (yyyy/mm/dd-yyyy/mm/dd, -yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/mm/dd-, yyyy/mm/dd)
  -filter-pull-requests string
    	Filter the number of pull requests in a repository (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-security-issues string
    	Filter the number of security issues in the repository (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-stars string
    	Filter repos stars in output (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -filter-watchers string
    	Filter the number of watchers in a repository (500-700, -300, 500-, 3000)
  -fireprox string
    	Use fireprox for reasons... relates to rate limiting on a certain platform (ex:
    	Display the date of the first commit to the repository
    	Display the number of forks of repository
    	Display the full repo description
    	Generate links for the web-based vscode browser at rather than
    	Display the number of issues in a repository
    	Display GitHub repo language
    	Display the date of the last commit to the repository
    	Display the date of the latest release
    	Disable this if you are a boring person (or use a weird terminal)
    	Do not perform a semgrep scan on the repos
  -out-dir string
    	Directory to clone repositories to
    	Display the number of pull requests in a repository
    	Print raw links for semgrep report rather than hyperlink with name, good if you want to save output
  -repo string
    	GitHub repository to scan
    	Display the link associated with the repository
  -repos string
    	File of GitHub repositories to scan
    	Save the cloned repository
    	Display the number of security issues in the repository
  -semgrep-path string
    	Custom path to the semgrep binary
    	Display repos stars in output
  -threads int
    	Number of threads to start (default 3)
    	Display GitHub repo topics
    	Display the number of watchers in a repository


  • Write more docs
  • Cross-platform support
  • More matchers/filters
  • More testing
  • Write to output/database
  • CodeQL, trufflehog support


Thanks to everyone @semgrep/semgrep, this tool would be impossible without it
Inspired by @projectdiscovery/httpx 🩷

sastsweep is made with 💙 by @_chebuya and distributed under the GPL-3.0 license.


tool designed for identifying vulnerabilities in open source codebases at scale. It can gather and filter on key repository metrics such as popularity and project size




Security policy





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