Refactoring based on ANTLR and its grammars.
: Base operations for running refactorings on the basis of ANTLRjava
: Base Classes required by some of the lexers and parsers.kotlin
: Actual codestrategies
: Refactoring strategies for doing certain operations like rearranging or replacing nodes- This is also the entry point for loading the different lexers/parsers.
: Home of all the refactorings currently implementedrearrange_class_members
: Refactoring for rearranging class members according to a user specified configuration.- Currently supported languages: Java, Kotlin, C#
- A chast recipe is available with some tests available. Check the main repository for a demo.
: Refactoring for eliminating double negations likeif(!!isEmpty) -> if(isEmpty)
- Currently supported languages: Java, Python
- A chast recipe is available with some tests available. Check the main repository for a demo.