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Migration guide for v3

Sriram Thiagarajan edited this page Nov 14, 2024 · 2 revisions

This guide walks you through the changes to be done when migrating from chargebee-typescript v2.x or chargebee v2.x to chargebee v3.x.

Breaking changes

Here's the list of breaking changes between in v3

  • Names of the resources, operations etc. have been changed from snake_case to camelCase. For example, configuration option api_key is now apiKey.
  • Minimum Node.js version is 18
  • Class based models are replaced with TypeScript types.
  • Response will contain headers instead of responseHeaders.
  • Response will contain isIdempotencyReplayed field instead of isIdempotencyReplayed() method.

Upgrade to v3

npm install chargebee@^3

Code samples


Main export is renamed from ChargeBee to Chargebee. Config options need to be passed during instantiation rather than calling the configure function.


import { ChargeBee } from "chargebee-typescript";
const chargebee = new ChargeBee();

  site: "{{site}}",
  api_key: "{{api-key}}"


import Chargebee from "chargebee";

const chargebee = new Chargebee({
  site: "{{site}}",
  apiKey: "{{api-key}}"

Making requests

Trailing .request() method has been removed and calling the any operation function will make the API request directly.


const response = await chargebee.customer.list().request();


const response = await chargebee.customer.list();

Configuring request timeout


import { ChargeBee } from "chargebee-typescript";
const chargebee = new ChargeBee();

  site: "{site}",
  api_key: "{site_api_key}"


import Chargebee from "chargebee";

const chargebee = new Chargebee({
  site: "{{site}}",
  apiKey: "{{api-key}}",
  timeout: 500

Using custom headers and custom fields


const customer = chargebee.customer
  .headers({ "some-headers-key": "some-headers-value" })


const { customer } = await chargebee.customer.create(
    email: "",
    cf_host_url: "" // `cf_host_url` is a custom field in Customer object
    "chargebee-event-email": "all-disabled" // Header To disable webhooks

Multiple instances of Chargebee


import { ChargeBee } from "chargebee-typescript";
const chargebee = new ChargeBee();

const response = await chargebee.customer.list().request(null, {
  site: "merchant-us"

const response = await chargebee.customer.list().request(null, {
  site: "merchant-eu"


const chargebeeSiteUS = new Chargebee({
  apiKey: "{api-key}",
  site: "my-site-us"

const chargebeeSiteEU = new Chargebee({
  apiKey: "{api-key}",
  site: "my-site-eu"

Take a look at the README for more code samples.